Petra Marko to take on leadership of the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava

Petra Marko will be taking on a public sector role as Director of the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava (MIB) in the New Year. Petra will start her role in mid January 2024, after 11 years since co-founding Marko&Placemakers, where she led our public sector work in place shaping, High Streets and town centre regeneration in London and spearheaded cross disciplinary collaborations including VeloCity, an award-winning vision solving critical issues facing the countryside. The Metropolitan Institute is in charge of developing strategic tools and projects in architecture, urban planning and participatory placemaking with and for the City of Bratislava, with the mission to safeguard public interest in city making, increase quality of life and quality of public spaces for Bratislava citizens and addressing global challenges the city faces. Link to full press release here. Photo: Marek Velček