
Encouraging people to engage with their environment enables them to develop a relationship and mental ownership of the place, opening up the process of participation based on mutual trust. A successful, socially sustainable transformation integrates all urban actors – from city makers to city users.
The vision for Dnieper River Park starts by opening a dialogue between the city, private sector and the inhabitants of Kiev through involving all in a festival of giving, receiving and planting flowers. This participative gesture becomes a symbolic promise of the future physical transformation.
Through mapping of the industrial estates in Harrow and an in depth visual ethnographic research we tell the stories of the local businesses and people behind them, proposing practical interventions to support inward investment.
Northala Fields Park has become not only a striking piece of land art, but also a story shaped and shared by local communities. Through involving people in the design process right at the beginning, they have become the park’s biggest supporters and since its completion, adopted Northala as their own, becoming the creators of its evolving future.
Described through narratives of people living and visiting Vauxhall, the public realm strategy overlaps the physical layer of the city with social and digital networks.
Locals and visitors, young and old – everybody shares the Market Square in Kettering – which has become a perfect place to meet, enjoy and relax.
New Vltava Waterfront creates a momentum for change, inspiring all people to become part of the transformation, encouraging them to set up small enterprises such as urban gardening, cultural events and education: an active destination with character and potential to grow and influence its surroundings.
Historically, river Irwell has divided existing neighbourhoods, both physically and psychologically. Transforming people’s perception of the river from a forgotten place into a destination and centre of community life has been the driving force behind the strategic vision for Irwell River Park – the longest linear park in Europe.