
Rapidly transforming cities demand a dynamic response to their changing environmental condition. To achieve balanced urban growth, sustainability needs to become integral part of urban lifestyle. Creative entrepreneurial approach opens up genuine interdisciplinary collaboration bringing innovative solutions for city development.
Northala Fields is a revolutionary new park built from recycled waste from near by construction sites including Wembley Stadium, dramatically contributing to shrinking the ecological footprint of west London. It generated the necessary funds to enable creation of a unique recreational and ecological park.
Evolutionary green urbanism based on creation of ecological habitat zones in the form of floating high-tech islands capable of supporting natural growing reed environments, in turn enhancing aquatic and bird life at Millwall Dock in London.
Birnbeck island is a cocooned environment protecting visitors from the harsh seaside climate, yet allowing them to be fully immersed within the coastal landscape. As a fully self-sustained eco-powered island, the new spa and botanical gardens is an ideal retreat for relax and contemplation.
Equating ecologies is about recreating balance between a diversity of social, economical and ecological urban issues in Quito. The former airfield is transformed into a park, physically balancing between vast water bodies and new landforms constructed from the excavated runway, creating a shared and constantly evolving resource for the surrounding neighborhoods.
Dnieper River Park – the new ‘green&blue DNA’ – is an idea based on connecting Kiev’s river and green slopes in order to create an integrated city park, protecting the ecological and cultural heritage of Kiev and setting a sustainable strategy for the future.